AutoPIPE Vessel Ultimate

Special Price INR 543,961.00
In stock
Taxes not included. Purchase includes 2 Keys

Keys are credits that can be redeemed for expert services and tailored training. Keys do not represent number of licenses.

Vessel analysis and design software

  • Design and model pressure vessels, shell and tube heat exchangers, tanks, and air coolers
  • Generate detail drawings and 3D models
  • Import nozzle load from AutoPIPE pipestress model
  • Perform finite element stress analysis of expansion joint
  • Perform detail cost estimation

About this software subscription: This Virtuoso Subscription includes a 12-month practitioner license of this software, that comes with Keys (credits) to unlock training and services.

Cost-effective and accurate design for safe operation

AutoPIPE Vessel Ultimate is a vessel analysis and design software that helps engineers and designers save time while increasing the quality of the design and analysis of pressure vessels, heat exchangers, tanks, and air coolers by having fully automated workflows, complete global codes, and applied loadings.

Optimize vessel design and manufacturing

With AutoPIPE Vessel Ultimate, you can evaluate alternatives and provide quality solutions for loading and manufacturing scenarios in minutes. It provides support for details and drawings as well as installation and operating conditions. Plus, with fatigue analysis, installation and support-in-place design and analysis, pressure testing, automatic drawing production, and cost estimation, you can ensure you are providing a complete design.

Maximize productivity

AutoPIPE Vessel Ultimate provides you accurate, cost-effective designs for the safe operation of vessels under various loading conditions such as wind, seismic, wave, motion, vortex shedding, and blast loading and can be used on brownfield or greenfield projects. By enabling the use of material standards and a wide range of design codes including those from many prior years, it improves flexibility for revamping any existing vessels. AutoPIPE Vessel Ultimate helps you to reduce design time, eliminate rework, and is easy to use so you can get started quickly.

Improve collaboration

Your project team members can collaborate efficiently, reduce the number of iterations and errors, and provide high-quality designs by taking advantage of a unified workflow from data handover to operations and maintenance. Import thermal design data from HTRI, Aspen, Prosim, and Honeywell software to automate heat exchanger model creation and share data with plant design applications such as AutoPLANT and PDS. You can even reference your piping model and import nozzle loads from AutoPIPE. Export directly to IFC and ISM file types.


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Pressure Vessels

  • Pressure vessel types: reactor on skirt, limped coil, column or vertical vessel on support brackets or legs or skirt, horizontal vessel on saddle, double jacket, or boiler
  • Seven international vessel design codes to ASME VIII Division 1 & 2, including ASME, GB-150, BS PD 5500, EN 13445, AD Merkblatter, CODAP, and GOST R 52857 dating as far back as 1988
  • Jacket design to ASME VIII Appendix 9, PD 5500, CODAP, and GOST
  • Nozzle reinforcement and flange design to all major global standards including EN 13445 Annex G/EN 1591
  • Full fatigue analysis of welded components to ASME VIII, PD 5500, CODAP, ADM, GOST, and EN 13445
  • Multiple guided column supports with stiffness
  • Vertical vessels on rigid or flexible anchor base, legs or brackets, horizontal vessels with multiple saddles with rigid or spring stiffness
  • Comprehensive lifting and rigging analysis evaluated every 10 degrees for on-site installation
  • Comprehensive in-situ design, transportation, and installation design tools built-in
  • Pressure testing design analysis covering all on-site environment conditions
  • Perform wind vortex shedding analysis

Heat Exchangers

  • Designed to TEMA, CODAP, AD 2000, PD 5500, EN 13445, GOST, Chinese GB 151 (Tubesheet Design only) and ASME
  • Plate cutting profiles drawings
  • Full weld details for nozzles and reinforcement including location of all component welds
  • Flanges (gasket and bolting details and installation), baffles (six types), tubesheets, bundles, tie-rods, sealing strips, and support plates fully detailed ready for fabrication
  • Metal bellows expansion joints designed to ASME, EJMA, CODAP, EN, and AD standards
  • AD standards, Design Flanged, and Flued expansion joints based on TEMA 8th and 9th (Finite Element Method)
  • Final drawing of the flattening of the shell profile with all nozzles, saddles, reinforcement, packing support, and more, for an accurate check for interference and location of the longitudinal welds along the complete vessel
  • Modeling interface and editing tools to optimize and configure the tube and baffle layout, as well as standard types including: floating head shell and tube (single and multipass); U-bend; double fixed tubesheet types; all shell types (E, F, G, H, J, K, X); all TEMA front and rear end types (not P type) but including L, M, N, and D type (reversed flange); custom types under user agreement; and air coolers (forced and induced draft)
  • Integration with thermal design simulation software including Aspen Tech, HTRI Xchanger, Prosim EXCH,and Honeywell UniSim


  • Integrated API 650 tank module (including API 620 nozzle reinforcement) complete with detailed drawings
  • Same modeling interface and material database as for pressure vessels
  • QA reporting and detailed drawings including roof support similar to those for pressure vessels
  • Optimization of the tank diameter and height from the requested volume
  • Automatic generation of rafter and girder structural courses
  • Full design in one run

Optimized Design

  • Erected, lifting, operating, test, and shutdown loading conditions evaluated
  • Nozzle reinforcement, flange design, support design, and vessel deflection and rotation
  • Automatic detailed cost estimations (fully customizable in Excel)
  • AP 661 for air cooler design and manufacture
  • French NF E 32 Boiler Design

Automatic Drawing Production

  • Automated detailed drawings in seconds
  • Create 2D drawings in MicroStation and AutoCAD, and 3D models in MicroStation, AutoCAD, and Solidworks with a click of a button
  • Fully dimensioned engineering and manufacturing drawings
  • White space management and configurable drawing sheet layout
  • Customizable data, and connection details to meet manufacturer standards
  • Bill of materials to meet company standard


  • Powered by Microprotol
  • Comprehensive vessel, piping, and structural components including trays, packing, stiffening rings, platforms, saddles, legs, brackets, bellows, lifting lugs and trunnions, internal lining, insulation, piping loads, and pipe coils
  • Comprehensive import from and export to 3D CAD formats including PDS (3D), MicroStation (2D and 3D), AutoCAD (2D and 3D DWG), AutoPLANT (3D), and Solidworks (3D)
  • U.S. customary and SI units
  • Smart import of sustained, thermal, and occasional loading from Bentley AutoPIPE
  • Languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Polish, Portuguese, Chinese, Croatian, and Russian (fully customizable dictionary)
  • QA formatted Microsoft Word reports for all designed components and full vessel loading cases, including bending moment diagrams, weld, nozzle, and flange sketches and full design code references
  • Governing load case (operating, installation, hydrotest, wind, blast, shutdown, or seismic) is reported for the calculation of each component thickness
  • Machine plate fabrication
  • Plate cutting profiles, optimized welding pattern
  • Interface to NC machines
  • Standard nozzle load tables available
  • Local load analysis to PD 5500 Annex G or G.2.8 Alt. rules, WRC 107/297, EN 13445, GOST, Roark
  • Saddle design with Zick analysis to ASME VIII Div 2, PD 5500,CODAP, EN 13445, AD, and GOST
  • Link to NozzlePRO for Finite Element analysis
  • Comprehensive material databases for ASME, DIN, EN, GB-150, BS, GOST, ASTM, and NF (French) materials
  • Customizable company standards for saddle supports and nozzle loading
  • Multiple codes for occasional loading including wind, vortex shedding, seismic, wave, and blast loading

Pentium III or higher

Operating System

Windows 7 Professional (32- or 64-bit), Windows 8 or 8.1 (32- or 64-bit), Windows 10 (32- or 64-bit)


Microsoft Office 2003 or higher
Adobe Acrobat Reader 7.0 or higher


256 MB RAM

Hard Disk


Video Graphics Card

Any industry-standard video card that supports OpenGL 3D graphics


Stay nimble and lower costs

We have bundled a 12-month license for trusted Bentley software with customizable training from experts and call it our Virtuoso Subscription. With lower upfront costs and flexible support options, businesses of all sizes can now compete with the industry's heavy hitters.


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